Online Classes
From the comfort and convenience of your own space, we have an online schedule AND
an On Demand platform for you to workout alongside us: meet the online team below!

The Online Team at Flin's

Join us in the Online Studio:
Log in to the class calendar link which becomes "live" 15 mins before the start of your booked class.
If you don't already have Zoom, it will automatically take you through the join up process, so allow an extra 5 minutes prior to start of class.
If you can't make it, you don't have to miss it! You will receive a link to view which will be live for one week.
PAYG £6.50
Class packs from £30 for 5 classes / £55 for 10
All other class packs and memberships apply and can be used online.
Total Body
Weighted and light cardio exercise, put together in a varied session which is different every time.
Timer used for intervals.
Usually more challenging, but as always, options for beginner level are offered throughout.
Saturdays at 8.30am
Presented by Fran or Emma
Body Conditioning
A full body weighted workout, set to upbeat music with no timer, just a session that flows from one exercise to another. Effective but also enjoyable!
All abilities, options for beginner level are offered throughout.
Alternate Mondays at 6pm | Wednesdays at 9am
Presented by Rosie on Monday & Emma on Wednesday
Barre Conditioning
Using a sturdy chair as our "Barre", Rosie will work your lower body and core so that you will feel the burn in all the right places! Some upper body work with dumbbells completes this effective, deep toning workout
All abilities, options for beginner level are offered throughout.
Alternate Mondays at 6pm
Presented by Rosie
Early Morning Workout
A complete variety of sessions, presented alternately by each instructor, so the style and workout is fresh, challenging and varied. Almost always using dumbbells.
Usually more challenging, but as always, options for beginner level are offered throughout.
Wednesdays at 6.30am
Presented alternately by Fran, Rosie or Emma
Equipment Free Hi/Lo
Bodyweight exercises, with active recovery rest times, keeping the step count high! Choose your level from the options given.
All abilities from beginner to intermediate.
Thursdays at 9am
Presented by Lauren
Pilates with Emma
A medium paced session, moving from standing balance and roll downs, to mat work including back flexibility and strength, core engagement and postural awareness.
All abilities, options for beginner level are offered throughout.
Thursdays at 6.30pm
High Intensity Interval Training: Set intervals of a variety of weighted and cardio exercises.
Weight selection is personal, exercises and intervals are different in every session
A more challenging workout, options are offered throughout.
Fridays at 9am
Presented by Rosie