Funny, fit, warm, REAL, these pictures totally represent the Flin’s community - captured through the uber talented lens of Payley Photography.
Nearly 300 pics are now uploaded to the Members Area on the Flin's Fitness website - if you go to the page and aren't a member, you will be able to sign up. (BTW - It's not the TeamUp or FF app which is linked to TeamUp).
Despite all the fun and laughter, the whole point was to raise money for local mental health charity BLG Mind - and that we did! Just Giving is now over £2K and we made nearly £1,400 in cash - ON CAKES AND RAFFLE - WOW!
Thank you to those generous people who have donated - if you would like to donate, it's not too late!
Just Giving page:
Class News

It's that time again! Your monthly freebie dance fix is this Sunday at 11am, with Jules - Dance Because Nobody's Watching! The track is Waka Waka by Shakira .... have fun guys!
Link to book (11 spaces left at time of writing this blog) is here
New time for Tracey's Total Body Bounce ... and we've added a stretch! Leave early or stay for 15 mins perfect realignment, after an all round weights and cardio session, now at 6.45pm on Thurdays! Book this coming Thursday here
Fran x
Schedule for week Mon October 2nd
🎥denotes Online classes
🏫denotes Face2Face
🎥6.30am Early Morning Workout with Emma
🏫9.30am Boot Camp with Lauren - WP
🏫10.30am Old Skool Aero with Emma covering - WP
🏫11.30pm Pilates with Emma - WP
🏫6.30pm Box Fit with Emma - Tubbenden
🏫7.00pm Yoga Flow with Jules - Crofton Junior
🏫8.00pm Dance Fit with Jules - Crofton Junior
🎥8.00am Body Conditioning with Rosie
🏫9.30am PUMP + Stretch with Tracey - WP
🏫6.00pm Stretch Pilates with Rosie B - Tubbenden
🏫6.15pm Total Body + Stretch with Carrie - Tubbenden
🏫7.15pm Zumba with Kelly - Tubbenden
🎥6.30am Early Morning Workout with Fran
🏫9.30am Total Body + Stretch with Rosie - WP
🎥 9.45am Total Body with Lauren
🏫6.15pm Circuits with Lauren - Tubbenden
🏫6.30pm Pilates with Fran - Tubbs Small Hall
🏫7.15pm Box Fit with Fran - Tubbenden
🎥8.00am Conditioning Intervals with Emma
🏫6.30pm Step HIIT with Rosie - Tubbenden
🎥6.30pm Mind Body with Fran
🏫6.45pm Total Body Bounce + Stretch with Tracey - WP *new time
🏫7.15pm Zumba with Kelly - Tubbenden
🎥6.30am Early Morning Workout with Rosie
🏫9.30am Body Conditioning with Fran - WP
🏫10.30am Total Body Lite with Fran - WP
🎥12.40pm Power Pilates with Fran
🎥8.30am Total Body Online with Rosie
🏫9.30am Cross Training with Fran - Tubbenden
Please note that this might be subject to change, and the schedule on TeamUp is correct on the day!